Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Egg dying with the family....

Easter is such a fun holiday.
I love the spring time, the flowers
blooming, the orange blossoms,
the warmer days!

Our kids are getting older and with
all their crazy schedules it is hard to get
us all together at once. Of course
they are losing interest in dying
Easter Eggs.

Kassi and Konner love to do the fun
holiday traditions regardless of their age.
So about 8:00pm we started dying eggs.


Lonnie and Konner discussing the colors!
Lonnie writing on his egg, Konner waiting for his
egg to come out of the dye

Konner eating a broken egg YUMMY!

Kassi and Konner

Konner, Lonnie tasting the egg, Kristopher, Karli
and Kassi all enjoy the fun... Well lets say Karli was
busy with homework, and Kristopher just got home
from work. Lonnie was supervising. He even boiled
the eggs and only 1 cracked!!

Kassi working hard on dying her eggs...
You notice the cups are leftover from the
last major holiday(Christmas)

The Final Production!!
Great job and what a fun time.

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