Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Eve with the Larson's


This year we spend
the New Years Eve at home
We did not go to the dunes over
the holidays and spend it there.
Which was a nice change...

We still all stayed up and
brought in 2010...

Konner giving cheers to mom!!!
Cheers from Lonnie!!! Love that headband.
Cheers again from Konner...
We played Yahtzee and the little man
got rolled 6 Yahtzee in the last game...
Maybe we should take him to Vegas..
Yep I was really partying... GO MOM!!!

Konner ...
Lonnie and Kassi playing Yahtzee...
Emma, Karli and Ollie
playing Apples to Apples
before they left to go to
Polar Ice...

Julie, Sterling and Konner....

Playing Apples to Apples
Apples to Apples rock...
We had tacos for dinner and then
all played lots of games...

We had wonderful New Year's Eve.
Wishing everyone a very wonderful
and successful 2010!!!!

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