Thursday, December 3, 2009

Konner's 1st band concert

This year at school Konner had the choice to continue
playing in the Orchestra or join band.
He really wanted to give band a try and
wanted to play the saxophone.

Being his 1st year they are learning a lot about
there instruments and how to read music notes
so they did not have a concert until December.
Which I totally loved because it started out
the Christmas season.

We was not able to get any pictures of him
playing with his class because of the
way they were positioned.

We did get a couple of him after the concert.

Konner showing off his

I keep telling him that he is going to
be my little JAZZ MAN!!
We really encourage our children
to discover their talents, I have
always had a love for music and
want our children to have that
same love for it also.

Konner you did a great job!!!!

1 comment:

Kassi said...

I love these pictures! Why didn't you show me them!!! My little jazz Ducky!