Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Get the home teaching done!!

Last month it was close to the end of the month (last day)
Lonnie realized he had not done his home teaching. So I
mixed up some goodies and out the door he went to drop them
off and apologize to his families. When he returned I noticed
the t-shirt he had on(Black Sabbath Heaven and Hell). I told
him I hope that he had delivered his message with love. Because
surely his t-shirt made the statement either you get the home
teaching done early so you feel like your in heaven or
procrastinate so you feel like your in hell.
We had a good laugh about it and one of the families also
had a good laugh.

1 comment:

Sassy said...

Doom or bliss...Boy isn't that the way it goes...I'm sure it was a great teaching moment and you could have probably made a great lesson off of the message..."Lonnie's Epistle on Procrastination"!" least you did it.